Unlock Your Inner Strength: Master the Stance of Self-Empowerment and Resilience with our

Jin Cultivation Mastery

Introductory Workshop!

Unlock Your Inner Strength: Master the Stance of Self-Empowerment and Resilience with Our

Jin Cultivation Mastery

Introductory Workshop!

Cultivate "Jin"? What the Heck is "Jin"?

This is a must-ask question (maybe without the heck?) as Jin is a borrowed word from Chinese. I know text can get boring, I promise I will make the explanation as interesting as I can, I promise!

Jin is a Chinese word written as "勁", and it is a special kind of force which a skilled martial arts practitioner can generate as a result of well-coordinated, integrated fascia-driven biomechanics.

That's right! By learning how to generate Jin, we are really learning how to upgrade our way of movement from driving muscles within only a partial area of our body, to doing fascial movements involving the coordination of our entire body.

I am Just Fine with the Way I Move.

Why Would I Wanna Switch?

There are a few BIG reasons why you'd want to learn fascia-driven techniques. Ready?

1. Experience Your True Power

The Power You can Generate with Fascia is Strong, Resilient and strengthens your grounding capability. With this power and related application skills, people will have harder time throw you off balance or make you lose ground, both physically and mentally.

Even this young lady who is only half of my size can withstand my body weight using a simple fascia attuned stance! Look at the happy smile on her face!

2. From Stress to Relaxation

Tensing up your muscles is stressful, and the more you proactively stress your muscles, the more your fascia stay away from what you are dealing with!

The more you allow for relaxation and room for body wisdom, the more your fascia will be willing to unleash your "jin" and true potential!

3. Build Trust with Your Body

When we have trust and safety, our creative minds opens up for manifesting great outcomes.

Same thing with our body! Learning jin biomechanics is all about having our self-ego to let go of the control over our body and be in the state of curiousity.

Learn what your body can do. Expand its capability by partnering with your body and grow at your own pace.

When you are able to just let your body wisdom do the magic, you'll get to enjoy the relaxation as a reward!

4. Cultivate Sensory Intelligence

Fascia is our largest sensory organ for proprioceptive (how our body is in the spatial orientation) and interoceptive (how we feel inside of our body) information.

Through Jin cultivation, not only you will have access to the much finer details of what you sense, you will also have the wisdom and tools to make the best use of them!

Well I am a Long Time Yoga Practitioner and My Fascia is Likely Stronger Than Yours. Why would I Still Want to Consider the Jin Cultivation Mastery Program?

This is a great question! Yoga is also another great modality or cultivating fascia wellness and strength and there are also countless benefits to Yoga practices.

If you are good with Yoga, chances are, your yoga experience would amplify the benefits of our Jin Cultivation Mastery program for you even more! Here is why:

When yoga is practiced alone, the practitioner builds for strength and balance in a "still" environment. When there is external variable disturbance (such as another angry dude) stirring up the peaceful equilibrium, chances are, the practitioner may have less tools registered with the body wisdom to handle such situation.

A big part of the Jin Cultivation Mastery program is about interactive practices with partners we trust to develop our capacity at dealing with external circumstances using our internal resources and skills. By the way, this is great fun!

You'd Want to Join This Workshop Because...

Although we only have limited time to cover a small fraction of the full Jin Cultivation Mastery program in our introductory workshop, we will share with you the most important concepts and foundational work for you to experience the following:

  • You'll have lots of fun

  • You'll learn lots about yourself

  • The workshop brings you instant, ready-for-proof self-empowerment experiences and tools

  • Learn the key secret of Chinese internal martial arts that unlocks our body wisdom

  • Experience the power of connection, being supported, and how easy it can be for you to be in that state

  • Enjoy ways that takes you from stress to relaxation, ease and flow

  • ... and other countless benefits!

What Other Members Say About Us:

See You at the Workshop!

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