"Wow, I Never Knew I Can Be So Powerful!"

Like most of our first time comers, Ariel was amazed to find out that despite her petit build, she was able to withstand my body weight through a simple, introductory posture attunement, all within her very first session!

It's time to say NO to reactive living and say YES to intention-based living style.

Let's empower ourselves and reclaim the ownership of our lives!

"Wow, I Never Knew I Can Be So Powerful!"

Like most of our first time comers, Ariel was amazed to find out that despite her petit build, she was able to withstand my body weight through a simple, introductory posture attunement, all within her very first session!

It's time to say NO to reactive living and say YES to proactive living.

Let's empower ourselves and reclaim the ownership of our lives!

At Serene Internal Art, we only focus on one mission:

"We coach you to empower yourself through your mind, body & soul, so you can regain the control and ownership of your life."

What does this mean to you?

It means if you want (and only if you want!),

we coach you to move away from these states:

  • I feel life events become overwhelming

  • I feel tense and stressful and I can't sleep well

  • so busy and there is not enough time

  • I'm losing myself

  • I can't find the meaning in the things I do

  • I am experiencing physical and/or mental fatigue

  • I feel tired

  • I only know what I don't want, but I don't know what I want

  • I am powerless

  • I easily get emotional

  • I don't feel like doing anything

  • I attract bad people and outcomes

  • My mind wants to do this but I end up doing the opposite instead

and we coach you to take ownership of your life to enjoy the following states:

  • I have total control over my feelings

  • I am sleeping well and I feel great

  • I know how wisely use my time

  • I am confident and relaxed

  • I know what & why I want

  • Every day when I open my eyes, I feel purposeful

  • I am resilient to life challenges

  • I have vision for the future I want to create

  • I have action steps to manifest the future I want to create

  • I know who I am and what values I represent

  • I attract good people and outcomes

  • I feel physically and mentally empowered

  • I can be a cool cucumber even in challenging situations

  • I know how to be joyful, thankful and be at peace

  • I make conscious choices

Sounds Like What I Need. How Would You Achieve That?

Your desired empowered states are not for Serene Internal Art to achieve, they are for the owner of your life, ie, YOU, to achieve and to enjoy the accomplishment! The nice image below perfectly summarizes our roles and responsibilities:

To coach to your success, we provide:

  • Tools: techniques or methods that will facilitate your awareness and growth

  • Non-judgemental space: hold the neutral energetic space for you to think, speak or act without being judged

  • Process: we accompany you along the thinking and creation process, so you will experience the creative flow, eventually knowing how to make your conscious choices

At the same time, for your ownership to your success, we need you to provide:

  • Your consent: for allowing us to partner up with you by joining our services

  • Your accountability: you own the choices you make based on your life situation and the results. We believe you are resourceful and make choices that are the best at the time choices are made!

  • Your content: bring what you'd like to work on with you, and enjoy the inspiring space we hold for you

So, What Do We Do (and to Have Fun?)

to Get You There?

We partner with you to work on the following 4 pillars:


We understand. Doing physical work takes a lot of effort and many would question, "is this really necessary?"

Our answer is, yes, it is. Our physical body is an important instrument that brings ideas to live, puts thoughts down as actions. It is the vehicle that carries our consciousness to experience the world, and it serves as a key regulator between our emotion and mind. In fact, learn the use of physical body is a big part of our offerings.

We offer sensory intelligence course, somatic awareness coaching and Chinese-martial arts based programs to expand the capability and alignment of your body, so that you can stay aligned and resourceful even when facing challenging interactions. The fine balancing and fascia-related training also deepens your awareness and balancing capability. They are so much fun!


It's normal for anyone to feel upset, angry, sad, or happy, or joyful. The thing is, there is a distinctive difference between:

  • "This person makes me angry!"

  • "I've noticed this person did something that would make me angry. At this moment, I consciously choose to act angry for the purpose of..."

Notice how "self-awareness" comes to play, allowing you to take ownership of the emotion? After all, you are the only person who can make you feel a certain way. Our solution-focused coaching helps you to identify what's within your control and what's not, so you can stay grounded and centered while enjoying the peace and ease.


Our mental space is the collaborative playroom where your creative thinking meets your logical mind. Funnily enough, they usually either fight with each other because they don't agree, or they become the perfect team mates when they are nicely aligned.

Through our solution-focused coaching, we take you through different "mental" connection points for you to reach the alignment. This alignment creates amazing life experience, you'd be generating exciting results all the time!


This is about who you are and your ability to observe how your self-ego would like to show up in the world.

Furthermore, with that awareness in place, become bold enough and invite your self-ego to swap its role from being the main actor to the spectator role and manifest outcomes using the power of the "flow". This is the kind of experience we cultivate through our physical programs and coaching, and such experience extends all the way to the spiritual level!


The four pillars are in constant interaction with each other and they never grow alone. While we broke the system down into 4 pillars here for the sake of explanation, we are really here to facilitate your holistic growth at all levels!

I LOVE What You Do! How Can I Join?

At the moment, we are gladly serving our community through the following ways:

In-Person Classes & Events

We host regular classes and monthly events at our Richmond location in British Columbia, Canada. Please get in touch with us for the detail program schedule!

Premium Online Programs

In case our in-person classes and events are too far for you, worry not! Our ever-growing premium online programs are excellent ways for you to explore the empowering ways to operate your body and mind, and to enjoy the interaction & support from our friendly community! At the moment there are pre-recorded courses and real-time instructor led courses available!

Individual or Team Coaching

While coaching mindset is embedded in our default way of being at Serene Internal Art, we offer official individual and team coaching sessions per ICF (International Coaching Fedaration) standard. Find out who you can become and get to your results with the power of coaching!

So, What Exactly Do We Do (and to Have Fun?)

  • We teach you how to access your body wisdom through our "JIN" (勁) based biomechanics movement programs inspired by various Chinese martial arts forms, including Taichi, Bagua and Xingyi, serving all Richmond, Vancouver and online communities

  • We provide professional ICF-framework based, solution-focused coaching for reaching your goals, whether it's life, career, relationship or self-betterment!

In-Person Classes & Events

For you to unleash your physical power, we hold regular in-person classes of awareness-evoking Taiji Quan/kungfu for your unique 360 degrees of fully-embodied experiences in Richmond Canada, plus special events and workshops at other locations upon request!

Premium Online Programs

In case our in-person classes and events are too far for you, worry not! Our ever-growing premium online programs are excellent ways for you to explore the empowering ways to operate your body and mind, and to enjoy the interaction & support from our friendly community!

Individual or Team Coaching

While coaching mindset is embedded in our default way of being at Serene Internal Art, we offer official individual and team coaching sessions per ICF (International Coaching Fedaration) standard. Find out who you can become and get to your results with the power of coaching!

Join Our Empowering Body Movement Programs/Workshops In Person!

(Available in English, Mandarin and Cantonese)

Enjoy the Learning Process While Unleashing Your Power and Resilience

Extracted the best concepts from trauma studies to coaching, we present ancient wisdom through modern ask-style transformation that everyone can easily understand, embody and demonstrate.

Learn the Inspiring Routines for Body Structure, Stamina and Flow

Backed up by proper fascia-based biomechanics, our Taichi, Bagua and Xingyi programs are designed to unleash your true capabilities much deeper than what meets the eyes.

Become the Expert in Boundary Setting, Balancing & Neutralization

Through training with partners, let's develop sensory intelligence, set better boundaries, achieve finest level of balancing, and be in the flow amid your interaction with the world!

Here are Our Flagship Programs Holding Your

Holistic Development Puzzles Together:


Introduction to Sensory Intelligence (1x90 mins Class)

In case you haven't noticed, your body is the gateway for your consciousness to interact with the world, Your sensory abilities give you the feedback so you can fully immerse in the life experience.

Here is the thing: some people are very sensitive to various signals, yet simply "experiencing" the senses only generates a tiny portion of the full experience. To maximize your experience and life options, we need to have the wisdom to process the received signals to get to our intended outcome.

This workshop provides the "intellectual learning" aspect of the sensory intelligence, so you will know what learnings to look for in our other programs and offers!


Jin Cultivation Mastery (90 mins per session, weekly )

Through simple body stances and movements, we teach you how to make use of the largest neural communication network of your body - fascia, that is capable of generating a tremendous amount of power when you are in the state of relaxation. Through both solo and partnered practice, you will learn how to balance and maintain your structure even when being challenged, leading to many moments of inspiration! Learn how to calm your nerves, regulate with your abundant inner resources, and generate the physical and mental power you might not even know you had!


Taichi for Awareness (90 mins per session, weekly)

Join us and learn Taichi right, right from the beginning!

We don't only teach you how a form looks like, but we lead you through the most effective biomechanics to give your moves the power and life they deserve! This gives you the advanced fascia-based biomechanics for you to cultivate even more profound level of awareness and capabilities with your body, mind and spirit.

Our instructor is super patient and fun to work with, and you'd look forward to your class each week!


Solution-Focused Coaching

"Nobody else listens to you like a coach does."

Through the non-judgemental space we hold for you, this is where you can enjoy your own creation process and own the outcome. As your coach, we partner with you, listen to your words and your shift in the energy, and create awareness-evoking moments from realizing who you really are all the way to your commited action plan. Whether you want to excel in your career, improve your relationship or simply want to get things done, our solution-focused coaching is for you!


Leaders as Coaches (Two full days in-person or 5x 3 hours sessions + 2x1.5hrs follow-up sessions)

(We deliver this course as a certified training facilitator of Erickson Coaching International)

The corporate environment has undergone a major shift in recent years and employees today are no longer satisfied by the old style management. The Leaders as Coaches program transforms managers from tell-based bosses to ask-based inspirational leaders. Join us and learn how to quickly bringing alignment and values together for your teams!


Check Out What Others Say About Us!

Book a Free In-Person Demo Session at Our Richmond Location Below:

Experiencing is Believing! Come and Experience Your Powerful Way of Being!

Can't attend our in-person sessions? Check out our online programs here!

© 2024 Serene Internal Art